I started today, back in Upper Jeuno where I had logged out, planning on levelling my White Mage subjob - it was only Level 20, and would become "gimp" in two levels of Black Mage. I looked up Cure III and Regen on FFXIclopedia, and saw that both either were sold in or dropped from a monster near Windurst. I took Kaduru-Haiduru -- a Warp Taru in Whitegate who charges an Imperial Silverpiece, but instead of just Jeuno, he takes you to your nation of allegiance also -- to Windurst, bought my Cure III and started to head out to the Horutoto Ruins to farm my Regen scroll, when I noticed that my Linkshell friend Desolation had just signed in, which gave me an idea.
I asked Deso if she wanted to come camp Hoo Mjuu the Torrent with me (He drops a staff called a Monster Signa whcih gives +8 Charisma, which is amazingly great for Bard and Beastmasters, and sells for about three hundred thousand Gil on Jeuno's Auction House.); I typically ask her when I go, since she's good company and at least as good of a camper as I am. I went as /WHM as usual, because I have Dia pre-macro'd and it's fast enough to get claim rather often. I got to the camp and saw four other /WARs, who have Provoke, an instant-cast ability that claims and makes the opponent attack you. Two of them left, but I asked Deso to come as /WAR anyhow, putting her at 38THF/10WAR for the time being. While she was en route to the camp, though, Hoo popped. No one there, myself included, seemed to notice him until I had started casting Dia, at which point two Provokes went off simultaneously, before I could get claim. I shrugged, and after a bit of debating with myself, decided to go fishing for a while, while Deso went AFK to help Hatsumomo with something.
It was worth it - I caught about eight Moat Carp, and got my Fishing skill to a whopping... five. >_>; Anyhow, once it was about time for Hoo to respawn, I switched my subjob as well, to Warrior Level 5, making me BLM40/WAR5. It gave me Provoke, but I went /anon so the Linkshell wouldn't see my gimpness. I headed back over there -- Deso was still AFK, but her sister was playing her character for a while, killing placeholder mobs and such. I waited for a while, but then had to go AFK myself for a couple minutes to eat lunch.
I came back from my wonderful lunch of... two hot dogs, told the Linkshell (and Deso, who had just come back) I was back, and no more than five seconds later, I get the following message:
(Desolation) Provoking Hoo Mjuu the Torrent
I dashed over there and landed my Provoke as well, just to make sure, but his name was red and we had gotten him. We got the kill pretty fast - either one of us could have and have solo'd him before, but we both fought anyhow - and saw this message:
You find a monster signa on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent.
Oh. Heck. Yeah. We had just gotten the staff. I held off my Escape spell and lotted, to be sure we didn't lose it on accident when we zoned - we had done that with a pair of Zealot's Mitts before, but those are cheap. When it dropped into my inventory, I made my deal to the LS (with Deso's approval, of course. It's her Gil too, y'know.): 33% off Jeuno Auction House, bringing it to 200,000 Gil. Ballister bought it, but couldn't collect it yet, so Sanoi bought it to hold it for Balli. (Sanoi had bought the last one which me and Kaosreaper had camped.) I sent half the Gil, 100,000, to Deso. I got an invite for an Exp Party for my Black Mage, but I told them that I could probably only stay for an hour or so, and the leader's party decided against inviting me. (Which I expected.) I then went out of the town to level my Level 3 Ninja for a bit.
One Ninja level later, I got bored of it and decided to come back into town, head to Al Zahbi and see what I could buy that I needed. I didn't see anything worthwhile there, but I think I'm going to buy materials for a Seer's Tunic and Seer's Pumps, and see if Sanoi, who made my signed Seer's Slacks +1, can HQ them, boosting their strength and their value. (I already have a normal set.) I was about to go get help for my Casting Wand quest, but I was told to get offline to head to town, so I logged out in Aht Urhgan Whitegate, quite possibly for the rest of the day, but we'll see.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
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