These goblins were not terribly far apart. There were three of them; one in Sauromugue Champaign, one in Rolanberry Fields, and one in Batallia Downs. The catch? They were in parts of those areas that could only be accessed by passing through other zones: Garlaige Citadel, Crawler's Nest, and Beaucedine Glacier, respectively.
The first one was the easiest to access; the Crystal War-era Garlaige Citadel has ways to bypass the Banishing Gates and could spit you out on the ledge where the goblin is, and from there you can use the Cavernous Maw to return to the present and fight the goblin. The fight was easy: two casts from my spells as BLM72 overkilled him, and he gave me my seedspall. Meanwhile, I spotted Roc (a Notorious Monster) roaming around on the ledge, and informed my linkshell of this: Chainspell, the leader, brought all six of his characters (massive overkill) and Knivesmillions came to help also. The thing went down in no time, but dropped only a Reraiser, a Vile Elixir, and a Crimson Blade, all of which are guaranteed drops anyway.
The second one wasn't too bad either. Very few monsters in that stretch of the Crawler's Nest would dare attack me - only the Mycophiles would dare, and I used Sneak to get past them. The second goblin went down just as easily as the first.
The third himself wasn't a real pain, but I was distracted, which forced me to repeat the walk through Beaucedine Glacier after I sailed right off of the cliff. The walk itself wasn't horrid, but just a pain to redo. I had an interesting, albeit short, conversation with that goblin when I got back up to him. It went something like this.
Ironside: Hey, did you know goblins are combustible?
Vegnix Greenthumb: Huh? yeah. Did you know goblins are combustible?
It's ok. Neither did he.
Anyway, after that, I returned these seedspalls to young Aldo at Qufim Island, and was promptly attacked by thirty Seed Mandragoras, in waves of five.
Fortunately, these things attack very slowly, have low HP, low attack, and very low magic defense: a single first-tier Aeroga was enough to KO all of them in any given wave. The fight was no issue at all, especially since one can get in a whole cast of a relatively long spell in between their attacks.
So yes, that's what I've been up to.