I've been getting stuff done this past month; considering it's the summer, which is the time of the year in which I'm most able to do so, this isn't surprising.
- BLM73, *almost* 74. Takes long enough. Pudding groups with Lordblackcat and Miathyi are great XP when I can stay longer than half an hour, which is less often than I expected; something *always* seems to come up RL which forces me to leave. I can get 74 now off a couple hours of Campaign or Qiqirn Poulterer soloing though.
- SMN60. Massive improvement. I finished getting SMN to 30 when we started the new mission shell, so I could use it for Promyvion. After our successful run there, LBC asked if I could go SMN to the Phomiuna Aqueducts/Riverne Site #A01 run (which still hasn't occured, since there's always someone - sometimes me, sometimes Moriar - who can't make it) so Zoioshi helped me level it to 40. Just kept going from there. Also got Fenrir after a load of major headaches with it. Just need Diabolos and three spirits now, and I'm done with "spells" for the job.
- Regained my Brass Wings of Service. This occured last night - my absences from Vana'diel were punctuated by me refreshing my campaign medal, as I may have mentioned earlier (if not, oh well) which was foolish, since that meant I lost two medals instead of one and had to work my way back up. Well I'm finally done regaining what I lost before, now it's time to move on to new territory. I'll probably get BLM74 from Campaign in the process of getting my next medal, even. No complaints there.
- Started the new miniexpansion, "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat." It's... much less serious than "A Crystalline Prophecy" (which I have yet to finish, though I'm on the final fight) and is apparently a decent bit easier to complete, though I'm not very far in it yet.
- Got a bunch of Dynamis wins. Every non-CoP zone except Xarcabard. Also got a freelot Argute Gown (Scholar body) from Dynamis - Beaucedine (my Scholar being level 7, this isn't very useful considering it's a level 74 piece) and half-cost Summoner's Bracers (Summoner hands) from last night's Dynamis - Bastok. The hands are very, very nice, and I can't wait until my Summoner can use them. Too bad no Sorcerer's Tonban (Black Mage pants) dropped on that run too, I'd've probably gotten it. And those aren't shabby either.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Enjoying Myself
I've been enjoying myself quite a lot lately. Progress? Not much, but I've been doing other stuff and keeping plenty busy.
-Completed mission 2-3 of the Chains of Promathia questline, "Distant Beliefs." Lordblackcat and I tried to coordinate a run. I asked the linkshell if we could get enough people to go to form a party, and we ended up with around eleven people total. We completed the fight with no trouble, got a Bronze Key on the first Fomor we killed, and then got all the way through the rest of the mission. Cloudus (now known as Irukiwaruki after his original character got hacked) AFK'd afterwards while we were farming subligaria for some others, and got pulled back to Minotaur with the rest of us when Hunnybunny arrived. We rekilled Minotaur, but when it respawned it massacred the poor taru. Anyway, I AFKed later on in a bad spot just outside of the spawnzone of Tres Duendes and got killed by a Fomor Monk. Cheiipbin gave me a Raise and I Escape'd myself and Sealorik back to Misareaux Coast.
-Got a Dynamis linkshell. I went to my first run with Miseryscompany on Thursday, into Dynamis - Windurst. I didn't get any relic drops, as expected, but I did get the win item, getting me that much closer to the Northlands Dynamis zones, where the best relic armor items drop. They're a pretty good group, in my opinion.
-Lordblackcat and I have been helping Miathyi through various missions. The three of us even founded a mission linkshell, since we're so close to each other in several mission lines. It's called EveryonesRancor, after the attack that horribly killed Lordblackcat when we ran ZM4 (he has a very high Tonberry hate level and the attack does very high damage proportional to Tonberry hate, so it went straight through his full-strength Stoneskin and dealt around 4600 damage even through it, putting it around 5000 damage total. That could drop a Galka Monk with HP gear twice over. Ouch.
Pretty good overall. :D
-Completed mission 2-3 of the Chains of Promathia questline, "Distant Beliefs." Lordblackcat and I tried to coordinate a run. I asked the linkshell if we could get enough people to go to form a party, and we ended up with around eleven people total. We completed the fight with no trouble, got a Bronze Key on the first Fomor we killed, and then got all the way through the rest of the mission. Cloudus (now known as Irukiwaruki after his original character got hacked) AFK'd afterwards while we were farming subligaria for some others, and got pulled back to Minotaur with the rest of us when Hunnybunny arrived. We rekilled Minotaur, but when it respawned it massacred the poor taru. Anyway, I AFKed later on in a bad spot just outside of the spawnzone of Tres Duendes and got killed by a Fomor Monk. Cheiipbin gave me a Raise and I Escape'd myself and Sealorik back to Misareaux Coast.
-Got a Dynamis linkshell. I went to my first run with Miseryscompany on Thursday, into Dynamis - Windurst. I didn't get any relic drops, as expected, but I did get the win item, getting me that much closer to the Northlands Dynamis zones, where the best relic armor items drop. They're a pretty good group, in my opinion.
-Lordblackcat and I have been helping Miathyi through various missions. The three of us even founded a mission linkshell, since we're so close to each other in several mission lines. It's called EveryonesRancor, after the attack that horribly killed Lordblackcat when we ran ZM4 (he has a very high Tonberry hate level and the attack does very high damage proportional to Tonberry hate, so it went straight through his full-strength Stoneskin and dealt around 4600 damage even through it, putting it around 5000 damage total. That could drop a Galka Monk with HP gear twice over. Ouch.
Pretty good overall. :D
Friday, June 5, 2009
Goblins are Combustible
So the other day, after having been offline for so long, I decided to buy the "new" mini-expansion, A Crystalline Prophecy. Some rather interesting things occur, involving a crystal, a song, and a kid named Aldo. (Yes, the same name as the Tenshodo man in Jeuno.) After retrieving several crystal shards, called "seedspalls", from the various beastmen - one each from the Quadav, the Yagudo, and the Orcs - young Aldo sent me to fight some Goblins for another set of three seedspalls.
These goblins were not terribly far apart. There were three of them; one in Sauromugue Champaign, one in Rolanberry Fields, and one in Batallia Downs. The catch? They were in parts of those areas that could only be accessed by passing through other zones: Garlaige Citadel, Crawler's Nest, and Beaucedine Glacier, respectively.
The first one was the easiest to access; the Crystal War-era Garlaige Citadel has ways to bypass the Banishing Gates and could spit you out on the ledge where the goblin is, and from there you can use the Cavernous Maw to return to the present and fight the goblin. The fight was easy: two casts from my spells as BLM72 overkilled him, and he gave me my seedspall. Meanwhile, I spotted Roc (a Notorious Monster) roaming around on the ledge, and informed my linkshell of this: Chainspell, the leader, brought all six of his characters (massive overkill) and Knivesmillions came to help also. The thing went down in no time, but dropped only a Reraiser, a Vile Elixir, and a Crimson Blade, all of which are guaranteed drops anyway.
The second one wasn't too bad either. Very few monsters in that stretch of the Crawler's Nest would dare attack me - only the Mycophiles would dare, and I used Sneak to get past them. The second goblin went down just as easily as the first.
The third himself wasn't a real pain, but I was distracted, which forced me to repeat the walk through Beaucedine Glacier after I sailed right off of the cliff. The walk itself wasn't horrid, but just a pain to redo. I had an interesting, albeit short, conversation with that goblin when I got back up to him. It went something like this.
Ironside: Hey, did you know goblins are combustible?
Vegnix Greenthumb: Huh?

...so yeah. Did you know goblins are combustible?
It's ok. Neither did he.
Anyway, after that, I returned these seedspalls to young Aldo at Qufim Island, and was promptly attacked by thirty Seed Mandragoras, in waves of five.
Fortunately, these things attack very slowly, have low HP, low attack, and very low magic defense: a single first-tier Aeroga was enough to KO all of them in any given wave. The fight was no issue at all, especially since one can get in a whole cast of a relatively long spell in between their attacks.
So yes, that's what I've been up to.
These goblins were not terribly far apart. There were three of them; one in Sauromugue Champaign, one in Rolanberry Fields, and one in Batallia Downs. The catch? They were in parts of those areas that could only be accessed by passing through other zones: Garlaige Citadel, Crawler's Nest, and Beaucedine Glacier, respectively.
The first one was the easiest to access; the Crystal War-era Garlaige Citadel has ways to bypass the Banishing Gates and could spit you out on the ledge where the goblin is, and from there you can use the Cavernous Maw to return to the present and fight the goblin. The fight was easy: two casts from my spells as BLM72 overkilled him, and he gave me my seedspall. Meanwhile, I spotted Roc (a Notorious Monster) roaming around on the ledge, and informed my linkshell of this: Chainspell, the leader, brought all six of his characters (massive overkill) and Knivesmillions came to help also. The thing went down in no time, but dropped only a Reraiser, a Vile Elixir, and a Crimson Blade, all of which are guaranteed drops anyway.
The second one wasn't too bad either. Very few monsters in that stretch of the Crawler's Nest would dare attack me - only the Mycophiles would dare, and I used Sneak to get past them. The second goblin went down just as easily as the first.
The third himself wasn't a real pain, but I was distracted, which forced me to repeat the walk through Beaucedine Glacier after I sailed right off of the cliff. The walk itself wasn't horrid, but just a pain to redo. I had an interesting, albeit short, conversation with that goblin when I got back up to him. It went something like this.
Ironside: Hey, did you know goblins are combustible?
Vegnix Greenthumb: Huh?

...so yeah. Did you know goblins are combustible?
It's ok. Neither did he.
Anyway, after that, I returned these seedspalls to young Aldo at Qufim Island, and was promptly attacked by thirty Seed Mandragoras, in waves of five.
Fortunately, these things attack very slowly, have low HP, low attack, and very low magic defense: a single first-tier Aeroga was enough to KO all of them in any given wave. The fight was no issue at all, especially since one can get in a whole cast of a relatively long spell in between their attacks.
So yes, that's what I've been up to.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Dum dee dum.
After yet another hiatus or two - caused by school this time, because I completely overloaded my courseload - I'm back in Vana'diel again. Here's a quick catchup on what's happened between now and... sheesh, last August.
-Various job levels. BLM71 (as of two days ago), WHM36, DRG18, to name a few.
-Got a Monster Signa as a drop from Hoo Mjuu the Torrent again yesterday, which is more money.
-Pluto's Staff, though given the circumstances I'd've been fine not getting this: Zumbilina sold it to me at a steep discount when Telcontar quit (it was his staff), so I had to pay 300k over time. Since apparently Zumbilina quit over the past couple months too... /sigh Just as I almost had the money to finish paying off.
-BoLSky (my old Sky shell) disbanded. Apparently the old guard got tired of Sky, so they disbanded the LS. I can't complain too much - I got A. Hands out of it before they went down, although had I been there more often, I'd've gotten an automatic A. Legs too. Not like A. Legs is that good for BLM, but hey...
-TheWindurstShell merged with TheSandoriaShell and TheBastokShell to make TheThreeNations, due to faltering membership in the other two (notably BastokShell). This is theoretically temporary, but for some reason I doubt that. Either way, all pearlsacks remain pearlsacks, so I'm still one.
On a less Unicorn server note:
-Kaeko, whose blog I used to shape a lot of my BLM strategies and habits, was permanently banned from the game over something about Salvage duping. It's unknown why some people were banned and not suspended - his strikes me as a case that should've been suspension. Most people used this glitch to get extra Salvage armor pieces, but Kaeko, who does this kind of thing only to test and understand why it happens, only did it with cells, which are worthless once Salvage ends. I'm told he made a new account and character though.
Hopefully I'll remember to write more, heh.
-Various job levels. BLM71 (as of two days ago), WHM36, DRG18, to name a few.
-Got a Monster Signa as a drop from Hoo Mjuu the Torrent again yesterday, which is more money.
-Pluto's Staff, though given the circumstances I'd've been fine not getting this: Zumbilina sold it to me at a steep discount when Telcontar quit (it was his staff), so I had to pay 300k over time. Since apparently Zumbilina quit over the past couple months too... /sigh Just as I almost had the money to finish paying off.
-BoLSky (my old Sky shell) disbanded. Apparently the old guard got tired of Sky, so they disbanded the LS. I can't complain too much - I got A. Hands out of it before they went down, although had I been there more often, I'd've gotten an automatic A. Legs too. Not like A. Legs is that good for BLM, but hey...
-TheWindurstShell merged with TheSandoriaShell and TheBastokShell to make TheThreeNations, due to faltering membership in the other two (notably BastokShell). This is theoretically temporary, but for some reason I doubt that. Either way, all pearlsacks remain pearlsacks, so I'm still one.
On a less Unicorn server note:
-Kaeko, whose blog I used to shape a lot of my BLM strategies and habits, was permanently banned from the game over something about Salvage duping. It's unknown why some people were banned and not suspended - his strikes me as a case that should've been suspension. Most people used this glitch to get extra Salvage armor pieces, but Kaeko, who does this kind of thing only to test and understand why it happens, only did it with cells, which are worthless once Salvage ends. I'm told he made a new account and character though.
Hopefully I'll remember to write more, heh.
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